Monday, October 29, 2012

Come get some great food!

Hey everyone!

Come get some great food at Sidelines and visit the most awesome hostess ever!!!! Come on the weekends to Sidelines III at Alexis and Telegraph :)
Here is a video I find inspiring.

A background about my life

Hey everyone. So just to get to know me, I though I would start off with telling of my background.
Here are a few things I've done in my life:

- I used to BMX when I was little, which was the highlight of my childhood. I was fourth in the state of Michigan and third in the state of Ohio
- I did pageants and was Little Miss Monroe and Miss Fallen Timbers Outstanding Teen 2010.

The best things in my life:
- I have an amazing horse named Cody. He is pretty much like my child.
- I have a great family that I love. I have two amazing parents, one brother, and one sister-in-law. I love my family very very much and they mean the world to me.
- I have a very loving fiance, named Andrew. We are getting married on May 4th, which I am very excited for!
- On my fiance's side, I have two little nephews who I love to death!
- Hopefully soon, my brother and sister-in-law will deliver me a little niece!

And that's just a little bit about my background!!!!